Unfortunately the majority of off-the-plan property developments being marketed today are still relying on a handful of expensive & inflexible renderings that don’t convey the full unbuilt development. Potential purchasers who are familiar with current pre-built “virtual tours” only end up being more cautious when buying of off-the-plan.
It’s now well proven that interactive walk-through's help sales teams sell off-the-plan property faster with significantly fewer days required being on the market.
Interactive tours & video are now outperforming traditional marketing & sales techniques as trust & confidence in the developer is a huge part of successfully selling off the plan.
Innovated property developers embracing Real-time interactive technology are making their unbuilt developments stand out from the competition & sell down faster.
Creating more visual content plays a leading role in building this trust, giving buyers confidence, helping them form an emotional attachment to their future home.
“By introducing Realspace, we have the benefit of an extensive suite of marketing collateral that is rarely seen in the Australian off-the-plan market. Showcasing the detail, quality and generous size provide reassurance and peace-of-mind to purchase.
--Peitra Creak, Development Manager, WINIM Developments, NSW
Realtime interactive display suites present photorealistic immersive walk-through experiences that empower sales agents with engagement tools to provide meaningful customer experiences.
Not only do they communicate practical & technical information, they also create strong personal connections with the design that end up selling unbuilt developments faster.
“We have been completely blown away with its functionality, ease-of-use and the positive difference it has made with our buyer interactions. In our opinion, Realspace is the future for off-the-plan sales and marketing.”
--Caitlin Rosenboom, Head of Projects, Ray White Surfers Paradise
With all marketing collateral centralised in one digital place, Sales Agents can seamlessly guide the interactive tour remotely, or in their sales suite, using a touch-screen TV or tablet.
Agents end up having more information to share & become better equipped to answer buyer questions, allowing buyers to spend longer viewing a property, building a stronger relationship which directly leads to faster sales.
Sales agents are telling us that homebuyers enjoy the experience so much that they are now referring friends & family, not only creating further leads but also enhancing the developer’s brand.
Sales agents feel more empowered as they are able to represent & showcase the entire unbuilt development far more effectively; showing buyers every room & colour scheme. Every floor level complete with accurate views.
Developers using interactive tours are reporting:
By being able to accurately compare views from different floors, change apartment types and colour schemes, buyers feel more in control, and more confident to buy ultimately creating an emotional bond between the buyer and the unbuilt property.
Being hands-on & bring able to showcase personalised finishes helps buyers along the path to a purchase decision.
"I see first-hand the positive buyer experience Realspace has with clients, they are instantly more engaged. It answers a lot of otherwise unanswered questions"
--Sheree Gibbs, Head of Projects, Tandos Gibbs, Melbourne.
Given the current climate, developers can respond with interactive visualisation solutions that add more transparency to their development, and allow potential homebuyers to become engaged, excited about, and active in the purchase process.
"The quality and accuracy is excellent, which is essential for us to be sure we are accurately representing what we are selling"
--Joss Lewis, Sales Team Leader, Ockham Residential, NZ
With the visual-effects industry now moving to real-time production, now is the time to leverage real-time technology to create memorable interactive content & more marketing collateral like video, still imagery & 360 tours to visualise Off-the-plan property.
Buildmedia won the Unreal Engine Experience Design Awards in 2019 with Realspace their interactive display-suite, and is a finalist in the Best New PropTech category for the 2020 Urban Development Awards.
Request a Realspace demonstration.
Main image: Floor level selector for “Ozone”, Cronulla, NSW.
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