Lend Lease has launched a new development that sees 2.5 hectares within Armadale transformed into a luxury residential precinct created in partnership with architects Denton Corker Marshall, interior designers Carr Design Group and landscape designers Tract.
The dream team of design and development have come together to create the new neighbourhood, located at 590 Orrong Road Armadale.
Once complete the community will comprise of 448 luxury apartments and 18 townhouses.
A third of the project will be transformed into open space, featuring communal gardens and direct access to Toorak railway station through a publicly accessible tree-lined boulevard.
Residents and the local community will have access to a blue stoned plaza featuring a convenience store and cafe, as well as the central boulevard, two village greens and public gardens that will be known as Central Common.
According to Lend Lease’s National Head of Apartments Ben Christie, one of the biggest draw cards of Toorak Park is its location, being situated adjacent to parks in Melbourne’s prestigious school zone and just minutes from Armadale’s High Street retail precinct and public transport services.
“Toorak Park is in a fantastic location, where residents can enjoy the local amenities, transport or proximity to the city,” Mr Christie said.
It’s also one of the few blue-chip inner-city suburbs in Melbourne where people can live in the heart of a vibrant community but still enjoy a relaxed suburban lifestyle where locals know their name.”
Denton Corker Marshall Director John Denton said the local architecture was an inspiration for the development.
“We sought to open up access to the railway station and Beatty Avenue from Orrong Road by creating a central boulevard that is, in effect, a new leafy road in Armadale. The newest area in the neighbourhood will connect with one of the oldest,” Mr Denton said.
Works have commenced on site and the project is due for completion in late 2018.