Prefabrication is the key to increasing productivity in the construction industry, according to the Victorian state government’s Construction Technologies Discussion Paper released on August 26.
The Victorian state government suggests the main opportunities for productivity gains in the construction sector are found in the expanded use of prefabrication and precast elements.
The paper identifies the construction sector as being integral to Victoria’s economy.
“The sector employs 240,000 people and contributes 6.7% or $21.6 billion to the state’s gross value-added,” it says.
“The outlook for the sector is positive, driven by a continuing increase in Victoria’s population and the need to provide housing and related infrastructure,”
“At 8.2% of the workforce, it is Victoria’s fifth largest industry sector.”
The discussion paper was prepared by the Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources and notes that prefabricated construction offers reduced construction times, costs, project payback times and waste, while improving workplace safety.
Prefabrication also contributes to productivity improvement by reducing time lost due to adverse weather, reducing traffic congestion and general disruption around work sites.