After sending developers back to the drawing board, Brisbane City Council has granted approval for development on the Point Residences project in Kangaroo Point, on condition that the plans scale back the development by 30 per cent.
The approval, which was given last week according to the The Sydney Morning Herald, went to two multi-storey towers which look vastly different to what was originally proposed.
The SMH said the council first received the application to build 442 residential units across the two towers, one 20 storeys and the other 22, in February 2015 on the 4926 square-metre site on the corner of Cairns and Deakin streets.
The original plans, to the dismay of the developers, were initially rejected out of concerns about the proposal including the proposed building height and density of the development.
A letter issued from Council to the developer said that the proposal varied significantly from the requirements of the planning scheme, particularly in relation to height, scale, the form of the buildings and the intended character of the area.
Cr Simmonds told SMH that the assessment on the development had now been finalised and the final approval was in accordance with city plan zoning for the site.
"Major changes to the original plans include a 30 per cent reduction in the number of units from 442 to 311 and a substantial reduction in the height of the two buildings," Cr Simmonds said.
"A number of cafe and retail areas are planned for the ground level of the site, which will open to a public plaza area, contributing to the adjoining Dockside area.
"Under city plan, the site is zoned for high density residential uses and can accommodate two buildings of 15 storeys.
"The final approval is consistent with this, a total of 30 storeys was approved for the site."