Heigh limits in Parramatta's CBD would be removed and building densities would be increased under a proposed planning framework that aims to encourage world-class development and position Parramatta as Australia's next great city.
Parramatta City Council CEO Greg Dyer told the
Urban Analyst the draft Parramatta City Centre Planning Framework Review, which has been placed on public exhibition, is seeking to overhaul the council's existing CBD planning controls to provide more flexibility on building heights, floor space ratios and expanded permitted uses within the commercial core.
"While there has been strong demand for new residential development in the CBD, our framework aims to further stimulate new commercial development to boost economic growth and jobs," Mr Dyer said.
"Our aim is to create a compact CBD with tall slender buildings allowing natural sunlight and active streetscapes."According to the council, key features of the draft City Centre Planning Framework Review, which is a non-statutory document, include:
No building height limits (subject to sunlight access controls and aviation restrictions);
Higher building densities, with a floor space ratio of 10:1, similar to densities in central Sydney, to facilitate design excellence;
Allowing some residential development in the commercial core on the condition it is accompanied by commercial development; and
An expanded boundary of the city centre to ensure it is responsive to growth targets and the market.
Mr Dyer said Parramatta was set for significant growth in coming decades, taking advantage of its strategic location at the geographic heart of Sydney and excellent transport links including the planned Western Sydney Light Rail Network.
"Planning is also continuing for our $2 billion Parramatta Square urban renewal project, a mixed use development across three hectares in the heart of our CBD," he said.
"The University of Western Sydney will build a new 10,000 student campus in the precinct, and we are currently offering stages two, five and six to the market.
"This new city planning framework will allow for significant increases in the number of workers and residents across the City."The draft Parramatta City River Strategy and the draft Auto Alley Planning Framework are also on public exhibition, with feedback on all three documents to be reviewed before they are re-drafted and exhibited again in 2015.