Fresh off interviews with Malcolm Turnbull and Richard Branson, the team from Australia's insanely popular satirical publication The Betoota Advocate have made time to stop by and do a little roasting at the Urbanity '17 "Roast Lunch".
Hosted at the famous RNA Stockmen's Bar and Grill, this year's entertainment will include Betoota publishers, Clancy Overell and Errol Parker, roasting none other than the Akubra-wearin’ maverick Queensland MP Bob Katter.
According to Overell, The Betoota Advocate is honoured to be invited to speak at the 2017 Urbanity conference.
"Urbanity is arguably the biggest thing to happen in Queensland's construction industry since Sir Joh discreetly put a wrecking ball through Cloudland in the middle of a warm November night in 1987.
This conference will be something that the city of Brisbane can proudly pin to its chest, much like the Goodwill Games" he said.
A social event built on great food, great entertainment and great people!Outside of the food, drinks and entertainment we'll also be running a series of giveaways and raffles with thousands of dollars worth of goods up for grabs.
The roast lunch will only be available to registered conference attendees, so be sure to get tickets while you can. First release tickets have completely sold out and second release tickets are finishing this week.
If you're unfamiliar with The Betoota Advocate here is a little further information for you.
Established in the mid-1800s, the Betoota Advocate have always taken great pride in their ability to walk in both worlds: regional and metropolitan news.
"Our small operation, overseen by both former News of the World deputy editor and first-generation Betootan, Errol Parker (Editor-at-large) and the homegrown Clancy Overell (Editor) – makes for a trusting newspaper that will never bow to any of the powers that be in the world of ‘corporate news’ – and with a readership that topples the Fin Review and The Australian, we seem to be doing alright.
"We will continue to report real and apolitical news and will never allow our organisation to be hijacked by any of the family news dynasties. Packer, Fairfax or Murdoch." they said.
Below are a few of our top picks for breaking Betoota stories.