An internationally renowned architect is planning to build a floating hotel at the Gold Coast Coast. Professor Jianping Zheng has adapted his latest idea, The Sea Pearl Hotel, from his array of over the top, cutting edge projects he has produced in China over the last three decades.
The concepts had left residents in fear that ASF cruise ship terminal will open the floodgates.
Prof Zheng has designed and built more than 200 theme park and tourism projects. He was brought to Australia to attend the Global Café, a lead-up event to the G20, by the Australia China Chamber of Commerce, with his projects facilitated by Marie Stephens Properties.
While on a boat trip over Broadwater, he decided he wanted his next major project built here.
“I have never built anything outside China but I would like my first project in Australia to be here on the Gold Coast,” Prof Zheng told the Courier Mail.
“The city is really amazing, I love it and all the sunshine.
“Having seen the Gold Coast today, I think it is more appropriate to be built here.”
The Sae Pearl Hotel will comprise of 300 rooms including a shopping mall, restaurants, casino and an outdoor sightseeing deck and swimming pool.
Prof Zheng believes the southern side of the proposed cruise ship terminal could be the perfect site for his next project.
“After seeing what is proposed with that project I think both this hotel and the cruise ship terminal would work well together,” Prof Zheng said.
Steve Gration, Save Our Spit head has had mixed feelings towards the idea.
“Because due process was not followed by the State Government for this project, overseas investors have got the message that the city is easy prey," he said.
Mr Gration said he was shocked the developer behind the floating hotel could see it as environmentally sound.
“The southern side of Wavebreak Island is a roost for migratory birds,” Mr Gation said.
“And lights beaming across the Broadwater could have an impact on marine life.”