Apartment Complex Installs Covid-Safe Parcel Solution


E-commerce, online shopping, and by extension parcel logistics, are booming.

This is great news for Australian residents—they can order what they want, maximising convenience and minimising contact.

But what about apartment buildings?

For apartment building managers, this steadily-increasing demand for e-commerce and home delivery presents a problem—actually, a host of problems: the more demand increases, the more parcels accumulate in foyers and access-ways.

There’s a high probability that parcels will be stolen; couriers are granted access to the premises unnecessarily, including thieves who pose as couriers, while staff chasing lost parcels increases overheads.

▲ For apartment building managers, this steadily-increasing demand for ecommerce and home delivery presents a problem

Just ask Daniel Wilson of Stockwell Residential Management, who found that parcels were being stolen from the main access points at Riverpoint Apartments. Riverpoint is a medium-rise apartment complex in Brisbane's West End comprising 320 units.

“Parcels were being dropped at front reception door and around the building, which led to parcels being lost or stolen,” Wilson said.

“Additionally, parcels were carded which was very frustrating for residents. This just wasn’t secure at all and it caused problems within the resident community who were frustrated that their parcels were missing or stolen.

“We wanted to have a system that stopped parcels being left at our front reception door.

“We did not want our building to be targeted by parcel thieves.”

Wilson hit upon the idea of installing a bank of parcel delivery lockers, and opted to engage local provider My Parcel Locker.

“Our committee contacted My Parcel Locker who inspected the site and identified the best location to install the parcel locker,” Wilson said about the brief.

“MPL assessed the number of parcels being delivered to the complex and recommended an appropriate size and system for it.

“The parcel locker was installed within six weeks and info packs were provided to our residents. MPL notified all couriers delivering to the building that parcels were to be delivered into the parcel locker.”

▲ A major benefit for both couriers and residents has been the locker’s ability to digitally sign for parcels.

Approved couriers—all courier companies are supported—have been given bluetooth access to the building’s locker area. The locker’s kiosk features a barcode scanner which scans the parcel, and an appropriate locker door opens.

A delivery notification with instructions is then sent to the resident, and an occupancy sensor detects when the parcel has been safely collected.

“The uptake by residents was so high that the committee decided to increase the size of the parcel locker system and install another 18 locker compartments,” Wilson said.

“Residents are happy with the parcel delivery solution and we no longer have parcel delivery issues that take up valuable management time.”

A major benefit for both couriers and residents has been the locker’s ability to digitally sign for parcels, boosting convenience and security while minimising contact and thus Covid risk.

“The number of parcels and home deliveries to Riverpoint has increased substantially during Covid, so residents appreciate the extra security and low contact deliveries that their parcel locker provides.

“We have had a number of adjoining projects—Virtuoso and Encore Apartments, for instance—ask about the success of the lockers and we anticipate that they will also install the system.”

My Parcel Locker’s customers include Meriton Apartments Sydney, Charter Hall Melbourne, Cedar Woods Adelaide, and Sabina Applecross in Perth.

My Parcel Locker’s products and systems are modular, so additional compartments, refrigerated lockers, and apartment mailboxes can be integrated into existing systems.

For more information about My Parcel Locker’s products for property developers and apartment building managers, click here.

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