Innovative prefabrication construction methods are a hot topic of conversation in the development industry, and when we’re seeing
57-storey high-rises go up in 19 days there’s no question why.
A developer’s approach to prefabrication doesn’t have to be ‘all or nothing’, and some of the most creative uses of prefab are garnering the best results for projects across the country.
According to Cameron Monks, Business Development Director at
Interpod Offsite, using modular prefabrication in residential projects can provide exciting levels of project efficiency and certainty – especially when it’s used unexpectedly and in difficult parts of the construction phase.
“The thing that prefabrication does, particularly when developers use modular prefabrication, is that it streamlines the construction process – allowing developers to bring a project to completion quicker,” Mr Monks said.
“Prefab is a simple way for developers to tackle particularly difficult to manage phases, and those developers using it creatively are getting tangible results in the form of time and money saved.”
The Interpod team use strict quality management systems.[/caption]
“Since this is a unique and innovative approach to bathroom construction, it’s hard to cover all the in’s and out’s briefly – that’s why I recommend developers read up about it in our comprehensive industry guide: Designing for Pods Manual.”
A recently completed bathroom by Interpod Offsite for Duo Apartments, Melbourne.[/caption]
As a quick and easy approach to a project, developers have begun looking toward standard pre-designed prefabrication solutions as an alternative of going through the lengthy custom design process.
“When trying to meet extremely tight project deadlines, developers need to be thinking out of the box and trying to save as much time as possible during the project design phase,” Mr Monks said.
“Choosing pre-designed prefabrication solutions is the best of both worlds: it saves developers time and money while providing an end-result that is in line with the overall project design.
“For example, if a developer has a standard student accommodation, hotel, aged care or residential project – a pre-designed modular bathroom can be quickly chosen, constructed and inserted into the project in a matter of months.”
An Interpod bathroom being craned into place[/caption]
Cameron Monks speaks with attendees at Sydney Build 2016.[/caption]
Interpod Offsite are passionate about educating the industry on the possibilities of modular bathrooms and have created ‘Designing For Pods’, a CPD workshop offered in conjunction with Refuel and the Australian Institute of Architects. To find out how Interpod Offsite can help with your next project, click here.
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