Two developers with adjoining sites have teamed up and are planning to deliver a variety of 342 new apartments to South Melbourne.
Lintime Pty Ltd and Round Bay Pty Ltd have decided to lodge a dual application for the properties at 28-32 Albert Road and 13-21 Palmerston Crescent respectively.
Both towers will use the same project team headed by Elenberg Fraser.
The developments will total 19 levels at 65 metres.
The Albert Road development covers 12 829 square metres and will feature 146 apartments, 128 car spaces, 51 bicycle bays, two food outlets and communal rooftop facilities.
The Palmerston Crescent property covers 23 326 square metres with plans for 196 apartments, 256 car spaces, 269 bicycle bays, a gym, shop and foot outlet.
Both towers will feature a mix of one and two bedroom apartments.
The new plans centre on a mid-block pedestrian thoroughfare that will run along the eastern boundary of both sites. This feature is only achievable through both developers working in unison. The developments are currently only separated by a service laneway.
Food outlets and gym will feature on the pedestrian thoroughfare. The northern portion of the feature will have a green vertical wall consisting of pre grown plant panels embedded with glass features and serviced by a hydroponic watering system that will operate off captured runoff water.
A graded ceramic frit on the Palmerston property will face the Albert property acting as a privacy screen between the two properties.
There has been a request for further information on the development with a planning decision likely to be delivered mid-year.