All around the world, there is an undeniable trend toward the greening of the construction, architecture and property industry, with an increasing number of projects prioritising sustainability.
In line with this trend, sustainable building credentials are becoming increasingly valuable for industry professionals.
Around the world, demand for professionals with expertise in sustainable architecture and construction has been increasing amid growing demand for lower operating costs, better work environments and higher environmental ratings.
According to a recent study by The United States Green Building Council, the number of advertisements specifying a Leadership in Environmental Design qualification increased by 46 per cent over the 12 month period to February this year.
The study was conducted by USGBC education partner Pearson, using data provided by recruiting agency Burning Glass.
According to a McGraw Hill study, the motivation behind sustainability has shifted beyond ‘doing the right thing’, to business considerations such as client and market demand for lower energy and operating costs.
They found that globally, more than half of firms surveyed within the industry planned at least 60 per cent of their projects to be ‘green’ in coming years. For comparison, this figure was sitting at 13 per cent in 2008.
This trend is gaining momentum not just in developed countries such as the United States, the United Kingdom, Singapore, Australia, Germany and Norway, but also in places such as South Africa, Brazil and the United Arab Emirates.