Mandatory Development Controls For Fishermans Bend

Victoria's Minister for Planning Richard Wynne recently announced mandatory development controls for Fishermans Bend, with a focus on social housing and smart design for the 80,000 people who will one day live there.

Developers wanting permits taller than 12 storeys will be encouraged to include six per cent social housing in their projects, and to make at least 30 per cent of all apartments three-bedroom.

In the Lorimer and Montague neighbourhoods, buildings taller than 12 storeys will be expected to include at least 15 per cent of floor space for commercial and community use.

“We need our new neighbourhoods to have a good mix of small and large apartments with social housing and commercial space," Minister for Planning Richard Wynne said.

“Developers who want to build projects in properly planned precincts, who want to build neighbourhoods with some longevity, have got the opportunity to be part of the biggest urban renewal opportunity in the country.

“Landowners wanting to sell off applications for maximum profit with no regard to the long-term will have to work a bit harder.”

Interim controls, which included discretionary height limits between four and 40 storeys, were introduced last year while work on detailed neighbourhood environmental precinct plans is underway.

Those height limits will now be mandatory and applied to every existing development application under assessment.

The mandatory controls, which also include new building setbacks, will be in place until final neighbourhood plans are set in late 2018.

Former Minister for Planning Matthew Guy rezoned land overnight and land values have since spiked, resulting in landowners wanting permits which maximise profit without regard to liveability.

Landowners have chosen to sell off or “flip” land with approvals, rather than build. The Government said they intend to make sure planning controls provide for Fishermans Bend’s long-term success.

Having approved reportedly over $8 billion worth of inner city development, Mr Wynne said he is working to make sure future development enhances Melbourne’s streetscapes rather than create dark and concrete-lined streets.

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